Can You Look for Lines?

Step 1

Everywhere we look we can see lines. Look around you and note where you see lines. Now, can you find and describe the lines in these pictures?

bathroom_off Step 2

What type of lines can you see in this bathroom? How do they compare to the lines found in your bathroom at home?

music_offStep 3

Are the lines straight, curved or zig zag in this music score?

garden_offStep 4

Your garden or yard is full of lines. Describe the type of lines you see in this garden and where they are found.

outside_home_offStep 5

The outline of this home has mainly one type of line. Can you see them?

inside_home_offStep 6

Books are a good example of where you find lines. What type of lines do the books in your school bag or classroom have?


 public_place_offStep 7

This garden bench has lines. Describe the type of lines you see in this garden bench.

Step 8

Were you correct? Did you find these lines?

bathroom_on music_on


